RaspiBlitz v1.11.0: Enabling NVMe PCIe Hats, New Documentation & More
RaspiBlitz is a do-it-yourself Bitcoin and Lightning node running on a RaspberryPi 4 & 5 with a nice display for easy setup and monitoring.

- "Version 1.11.0 of RaspiBlitz released," announced @rootzoll.
"[RaspiBlitz] now supports RaspberryPi 4 & 5 with NVMe PCIe drive. Many updates: Bitcoin 26.0.0, LND 0.17.3, Core Lightning 24.02.1, LNbits 0.11.3 .. and new documentation," he added.
- New project documentation can be found here.
What's new
- New: RaspberryPi5 tested & enabling NVMe PCIe Hats
- New: BTCPay Server PostgreSQL database backup and restore options details
- New: Reset option for the self-signed TLS certificate details
- New on WebUI: Electrum Connect Screen
- Update: RaspberryOS arm64 base image 2024-03-15 (Debian 12 Bookworm) details
- Update: amd64 base image: debian-12.5.0-amd64-netinst.iso
- Update: Bitcoin Core v26.0 details
- Update: LND v0.17.3-beta details
- Update: Core Lightning v24.02.1 details
- Update: C-lightningREST v0.10.7 details
- Update: Electrum Server in Rust (electrs) v0.10.4 details
- Update: Fulcrum Electrum server v1.10.0 (CLI install script) details
- Update: BTC-RPC-Explorer v3.4.0 details
- Update: JoinMarket v0.9.11 details
- Update: Jam (JoinMarket Web UI) v0.2.0 details
- Update: JoininBox v0.8.3 details
- Update: RTL v0.14.1 details
- Update: Thunderhub v0.13.30 details
- Update: CLBOSS 0.13+ (latest master 0673c50) details
- Update: BTCPayServer v1.12.5 details
- Update: Channel Tools (chantools) v0.12.0 details
- Update: LNbits 0.11.3 details
- Update: Circuitbreaker v0.5.1 details
- Update: LNDg v1.8.0 details
- Update: Balance of Satoshis v17.9.1 details
- Experimental: LNDK (runs on top of LND to help forward onion messages (BOLT 12)) details
- Fix: PyBlock 2.2.3 details
- Refactor: Wifi config with file on sd card
- Deactivated for Repair: lnproxy details
- Deprecated: Homer Dashboard (remove from SSH menus, config script will stay with possible future removal)
- Deprecated: Bitcoinminds (remove from SSH menus, config script will stay with possible future removal)
- Remove: ItchySats (unmaintained project / in consent with dev)