Primal iOS v1.2.44: On-chain Wallet, Video Uploads & More
Primal is a free and open source nostr client focused on seamless UX. Available on Android, iOS and the web.

- "Primal for iOS 1.2 is now live on the App Store," announced @miljan.
- "We bring you a much nicer wallet, now with support for on-chain payments, along with several social media features and fixes."
"Primal has become equal parts social media client and bitcoin wallet app. We will continue to expand both feature sets in ways that integrate them naturally, offering you the best of both worlds. Primal can serve as both your daily spending wallet and your social media client. Let us know how you like it!"
What's new
- Bolder bolt!
- Start in wallet
- On-chain transactions
- Send via keyboard/paste
- Scan QR code from image
- Faster transaction display
- Fiat currency display
- Video uploads
- Smart contact list
- Fixes keyboard issues
- Rotated photos fix