Minibits v0.0.7-alpha: Offline Send + Receive

Minibits is an e-cash wallet with a focus on performance and usability. Cash is issued by mints and backed by Bitcoin via the Cashu protocol and Lightning Network.

Minibits v0.0.7-alpha: Offline Send + Receive
  • "New alpha release ready for testing: Minibits Wallet now supports sending and receiving e-cash while OFFLINE."
  • "New coin selection allows you to send coins without connecting with the mint. Transactions complete when the receiving wallet gets back online. Give it a try!"
  • Get v0.0.7-alpha fresh .apk at… or join internal testing on Google Play at

Offline send and receive

  • Minibits v0.0.6-alpha introduced the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) of the feature allowing users to receive tokens even when their device is offline, meaning that users can redeem the coins once their device regains an internet connection.
"Still a lot to do to refine this feature and improve the user experience, making it clear that received tokens are tentative until claimed online, and potentially allowing redemption without requiring user action."
  • Per release notes, v0.0.7-alpha now "supports scenarios, where an e-cash can be exchanged with both devices staying offline using QR code. Please note, that receiving e-cash offline means trusting the payer until the receiving wallet can connect to the mint and exchange received coins."

What's new

  • Numerous smaller bug fixes and UI improvements
  • Ability to select coins and send them while the sending device is offline
  • Numerous bug fixes based on feedback from the first week of testing, including some critical issues.
  • Small UX enhancements and additional features.

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