LNbits v0.10.10: Quality & Performance Improvements
LNbits is free and open-source Lightning wallet and accounts system that comes with a variety of handy plugins and integrations.

- New LNbits release v0.10.10 Yvette++ is here.
It includes:
- Bunch of quality/performance improvements;
- Optional fiat conversion in wallets by jackstar12;
- CLN rest funding source added by Callebtc.
Try out LNbits at legend.lnbits.com, or run your own LNbits server!
What's Changed
- CI adjustment - Pinkify Legend by @arbadacarbaYK in #1766
- Fixed favicon to be clearer, and still use older bolt by @arcbtc in #1811
- Update README.md by @arcbtc in #1818
- Update poetry to 1.5.1 by @dni in #1804
- quickfixs failing checks on main by @dni in #1819
- remove extensions dir completly, create it on startup by @dni in #1778
- Increase default invoice expiry to 1 hour by @dni in #1825
- Data returned from wallet websocket was not json by @arcbtc in #1823
- add github workflow for checking openapi by @dni in #1551
- Fix admin notifications by @talvasconcelos in #1803
- Wallets: Catch errors during cleanup by @callebtc in #1829
- update embit to 0.7.0 by @dni in #1777
- [Wallets] CLN: fix pending state check by @callebtc in #1770
- fix ugly printed error of uvicorn.error by @dni in #1833
- follow redirect for lnurls by @dni in #1832
- FEAT: proper failing invoice/payment responses for VoidWallet by @dni in #1805
- Adding Start9 by @k0gen in #1834
- Fix drawer by @talvasconcelos in #1836
- Ads layout fix by @k0gen in #1835
- websocket internal payment notifications by @jackstar12 in #1831
- TEST: add hold invoices to test helpers and a basic test by @dni in #1838
- remove nested filters by @jackstar12 in #1843
- Bug: invalid type converter by @jackstar12 in #1842
- Tests: hold invoice tests pending during payment by @callebtc in #1839
- UI: paste payment request from clipboard by @callebtc in #1845
- add cache utility by @jackstar12 in #1790
- support uvicorn reload functionality by @jackstar12 in #1841
- UI: hide paste payment request in unsupported environments by @michael1011 in #1853
- [TEST] proper credit_wallet function from services for test helpers by @dni in #1862
- Fix csv export by @jackstar12 in #1852
- [CHORE] E722 bare exception fix by @dni in #1871
- [CHORE] flake8 issues E402, E721 and F821 by @dni in #1874
- [CHORE] fix pyright warning in db.py by @dni in #1868
- [TEST] improved logs for tests by @dni in #1866
- [CHORE] cln.py pyln-client is not optional by @dni in #1859
- [TEST] update pytest-cov to remove warnings by @dni in #1867
- [BUG] dont install default extensions for tests by @dni in #1861
- [FEATURE] Adding coverage for 'lntbs' signet prefix by @enaples in #1881
- [TEST] run tests.yml on py39 and py310 by @dni in #1882
- FEAT: add installed extensions to log by @dni in #1857
- [REFACTOR] cleanup views/api.py by @dni in #1865
- feat: catch wallet init exception, string formatting for app.py by @dni in #1846
- cancel all long-running tasks by @jackstar12 in #1793
- Add description to POST v1/payments endpoint. by @stackregister in #1848
- [REFACTOR] payments sse endpoint by @jackstar12 in #1781
- Update payments on invoice creation by @jackstar12 in #1782
- [DEV] add ruff for linting and combine linters into one workflow by @dni in #1875
- [FEAT] add
for commands.py by @dni in #1890 - Wallets: add cln-rest by @callebtc in #1775
- [REFACTOR] WalletType into enum by @dni in #1888
- [FEAT] save fiat amount in api_create_invoice by @dni in #1869
- [CHORE] update pyln-client by @dni in #1894
- [CHORE] update mypy and new issues by @dni in #1892
- [BUG] use WalletType for get_wallet_for_key fn by @dni in #1896
- [CHORE] string formatting default length 88 by @dni in #1887
- [CHORE] improve on fastapi / openapi docs by @dni in #1795
- optimize balances view by @jackstar12 in #1779
- [CI] improve on github workflows by @dni in #1889
- [REFACTOR] do not throw an exception in list_parse_fallback by @dni in #1891
- [REFACTOR] proper create_invoice responses for descriptions by @dni in #1863
- refactor exchange rates by @jackstar12 in #1847
- [CHORE] remove redundant mocks by @dni in #1902
- [CHORE] cleanup cache and exception on
make test
by @dni in #1899 - [REFACTOR] replace async_wrap with run_sync by @dni in #1858
- track fiat value of payments by @jackstar12 in #1789
- [FIX] fakewallet: set tag of description_hash invoice correctly by @callebtc in #1901
- update to version 0.10.10 by @dni in #1773
- [TEST] add codecov token to workflow by @dni in #1908
- [TEST] workflows, added 10s timeout to
subprocess and logging by @dni in #1910
New Contributors
- @k0gen made their first contribution in #1834
- @michael1011 made their first contribution in #1853
- @enaples made their first contribution in #1881
- @stackregister made their first contribution in #1848
Full Changelog: 0.10.9...0.10.10