Labelbase v2.2.2: Integrated QR Code Scanner
Labelbase is a label management service for Bitcoin transactions and addresses. It supports BIP-329, a format for unifying label data. The goal of the project is to offer a convenient solution for managing labels associated with Bitcoin transactions and addresses across wallets and other tools.

- "Labelbase version 2.2.2 is here, and with it comes the ability to scan addresses from your favorite hardware wallet, QR codes from your mobile device, or even from a SATSCARD to label them directly in your own instance of Labelbase," announced the project.
"This new QR scanner feature makes managing your labels more seamless and efficient than ever before, especially if you send bitcoin to your cold storage setup."
- Labelbase v2.2.1 was primarily a “housekeeping release,” focusing on integration into RaspiBlitz, ensuring a smoother and more robust performance.
- Labelbase will be available in Version 1.11.1 of RaspiBlitz.