Labelbase v2.1.1: Self-Hosted Labelbase Only
Labelbase is a label management service for Bitcoin transactions and addresses. It supports BIP-329, a format for unifying label data.

- "We're reaching a pivotal moment with the Labelbase platform. As of today, April 25, 2024, we are beginning the phased discontinuation of our hosted Labelbase service," announced Labelbase.
"Labelbase 2.0.0 and all subsequent updates (especially version 2.1.0) are tailored for a self-hosted environment, enhancing privacy, security, and functionality. We are committed to helping you transition smoothly to this model, which allows greater control over your data."
- Detailed instructions for setting up self-hosted Labelbase are available here.
What's changed
- Immediate impact: "Effective immediately, we will no longer accept new accounts on"
- Data deletion: "In 30 days, we will permanently delete all existing user accounts and associated data from and"
- Demo version: "Going forward, the hosted Labelbase will operate exclusively for demo and testing purposes. This can be accessed using the credentials: Username "demo", Password "labelbase21"."
- "Please be aware that data in the demo version will be regularly reset, and it should not be used for personal or sensitive information."