Geyser Launches: New Fundraisers and Initiatives
Check out the latest Bitcoin projects and initiatives launched via the Geyser crowdfunding platform.

Open Source Software

- Flash - LND Node management TUI. "While there are many Lightning node management tools out there, they all follow a similar formula. You get some sort of web based UI tool that has to be constantly running and connected to your node. What if there was a simple command line tool that gave you the same features in a fancy terminal user interface, all while being faster, lighter, more secure and could be run from anywhere?"
- Open Timestamps by Peter Todd. "OpenTimestamps (OTS) is an open-source, free-to-use, timestamping standard that anyone can use to protect data. It's used by Bitcoin Core, LND, and many other projects to protect software releases and git commits from tampering. It's been used to timestamp the Internet Archive. And it has even been used to timestamp the 2023 presidential election in Guatemala."
Social/Political Impact

- Defend PoW. "EU regulators seek to ban PoW in a “global impactful way” by 2025. To educate regulators, we built a coalition of activists and BTC miners. Support our work!"
- "We are the Open Dialogue Foundation (ODF), an international human rights NGO established in 2009 in the EU. Our main area of expertise lies in our ability to engage with policymakers in order to promote pro-liberty policy reforms and legislation."

- Bitcoin im Kantonsrat Schwyz. "I want to make Bitcoin an issue in the Schwyz Cantonal Council (Switzerland)! A new parliament will be elected in the canton of Schwyz on March 3rd. In the municipality of Küssnacht (8/100 seats) I will be able to run as the Green Liberal Party's top candidate. In order to improve my election chances and make Bitcoin an issue in parliament, a strong election campaign is needed and that is why I am grateful for any support."
Bitcoin Communities

- Annual Tết lì xì ("lucky money") campaign in Saigon, Vietnam. "In 2022 and 2023 the Saigonese Bitcoin Community organized - following the lead example set by the Bitcoiner Crew from Hong Kong - a classic Lì xì (“lucky money”) campaign."
- "Be it through your local Bitcoiner friend, the Bitcoin spots in town or at last year’s big gathering in Da Nang - the red envelopes found their way and appreciation; driving curiosity and Lightning adoption from the ground up. To fund the upcoming 2024 campaign, we are looking to crowdfund 1,000,000 Satoshis."

- Dominican Bitcoin Adoption 2024. "Organize Bitcoin events in the Dominican Republic to assist niche communities, showcase the benefits of Bitcoin, and define the future."
Education & News
- Bitcoin Mango. "We strive to create a positive and inclusive community where everyone can enjoy and share their favorite memes. Whether you're a casual meme lover or a hardcore meme connoisseur, Bitcoin Mango has something for bitcoiners."
Toxic #Bitcoin ers 🔥🔥#BitcoinETFs #BitcoinETF#BitcoinMango🥭 #MangoBite🥭
— Bitcoin Mango (@BitcoinMango_) January 12, 2024
- 2140 Bitcoin Art. "Join the 2140 Collective community, we onboard new Bitcoiners, entertain and educate with art, music, and culture."
- Nostr NFC Art Cards. "The idea is simple: Create NFC Cards with designs from Artists that are on Nostr, and using only Nostr Native Commerce to distribute it to plebs."

- Kanuto Pin. "Here you have the opportunity to support the production of a 🟢🟢🟢🔴 pin. if we collect enough sats, I will have the pins produced. The supporters will then receive a code with which they can order the pin without shipping costs in my shop."

- Bitcoin: The Art of Revolution. "Join Street Cyber Crew in bringing the first and largest immersive Bitcoin Art exhibition to Barcelona!"
- "This groundbreaking exhibition will immerse you in the history, evolution, and transformative potential of Bitcoin. Through a captivating collection of art, we'll explore the journey of money from its origins to today, delving into the challenges of the traditional financial system and highlighting how Bitcoin is poised to revolutionize it."
Discover more Bitcoin grassroot projects and initiatives on Geyser.