Fulcrum v1.9.2: Maintenance Release

Fulcrum is a fast and nimble SPV server implementation for Bitcoin written in modern C++.

Fulcrum v1.9.2: Maintenance Release
  • "This is a bugfix maintenance release of Fulcrum. It fixes a few compile bugs as well as potential BTC-related issues, and adds some optional parameters to the blockchain.*.get_history family of calls."
  • "We updated the code to the mempool.get_fee_histogram call to replicate more closely what ElectrumX would return (issue #197)."
  • "We also added better compatibility with Bitcoin Core v25.0.0 for the sendrawtransaction API call to bitcoind core."
  • "All BTC users of Fulcrum are strongly urged to update to this version at their earliest convenience."

What's Changed

  • Fixed some build-related issues, such as rocksdb 8 source compatibility.
  • Some code refactoring and cleanup
  • Implemented "paging" for the blockchain.*.get_history call(s) (issue #180). This involves two extra optional parameters, from_height and to_height to the call(s). See: https://electrum-cash-protocol.readthedocs.io/en/latest/protocol-methods.html#blockchain.scripthash.get_history.
  • Only Fulcrum servers declaring protocol version 1.5.1 or above support this facility as of now.
  • Improved compatibility with bitcoin core 25.0.0 to behave exactly like previous versions when sending txns (that is, allow it to "burn" onto OP_RETURNs). (#181)
  • Fix to the mempool.get_fee_histogram RPC to more closely model what ElectrumX would return. Hopefully this fixes some issues seen on BTC. (#197)

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