Envoy Wallet v1.8.6: Improvements and Fixes
Envoy is a free and open source mobile Bitcoin wallet and a companion app for Passport signing device. It can also be used a standalone Bitcoin mobile wallet. Available on Android and iOS.

"In Envoy v1.8.6 we've focused on small bugfixes while we prepare the app for the upcoming Passport Prime integration," announced the project.
- This version removes the buy button when the "Buy in Envoy" option is disabled, adds a link to Foundation's new community forum, and updates the Bitcoin ATM map to retrieve information from OpenStreetMaps, among other fixes and improvements.
What's new
- The "Buy button is now removed from the main view if disabled in settings, per customer requests.
- Updated the Support area of Envoy: removed the link to the read-only Telegram channel and added a link to the new community forum.
- The Bitcoin ATM map will now use information from OpenStreetMaps, enabling users to add new locations for buying bitcoin and see these updates in Envoy.
- Fixed an issue where deleting a hot wallet or a Passport account could cause Envoy to crash, preventing some users from logging back in.
- Fixed a rare bug where, if the Envoy app was deleted and later reinstalled, the seed could appear as "empty" despite the app recovering correctly.
- Fixed a minor bug where the Buy button was grayed out but still active if no accounts had been created or paired.
- Fixed a rare bug where, under certain circumstances, the destination address field could appear blank when reviewing a sending transaction.
- Fixed a minor visual bug where a specific button did not follow the design pattern in a niche scenario.
- Fixed a couple of minor vertical alignment issues in certain texts and icons.
- Smoothened a couple of transitions to enhance the fluidity of the user experience.
- Fixed a minor visual issue where the amount of bitcoin would sometimes display as 0.0000000 instead of 0 on the send screen.
- Fixed a small visual bug where scanning a BIP-21 code with a defined amount wouldn't fill all the trailing zeroes when the sending unit was bitcoin.
- Fixed a rare issue where the back arrow could be displayed twice in some menus.
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