BTCPay Server v2.0.6: Fix to Prevent Duplicate Payouts in Certain On-Chain Configurations
BTCPay Server is a free and open-source Bitcoin payment processor. It allows you to accept bitcoin without extra fees or intermediaries.

- "BTCPay Server v2.0.6 is out!" announced the project.
- This release includes a security fix for merchants using refunds/pull payments On-Chain with automated payout processors, along with several bug fixes and improvements.
"We could not reproduce the reported issue on our own instances, but the reporting merchant confirmed the issue was resolved," was stated in the release notes.
What's new
- Security fix: Critical fix to prevent duplicate payouts in certain On-Chain configurations.
- SEO: Add ability to customize HTML meta tags and HTML lang attribute for crowdfund and PoS.
- Adds a warning about BTCPay Shopify integration being deprecated by Shopify. Adds link to a new plugin for it.
- Relaxing some payjoin related rules in accordance with changes to the BIP78 spec.
- Adds Kraken as default rate provider for CAD.
- Adds tooltip and link to pull-payment tags in wallet's transaction list.
- Make Checkout Cheat Mode extensible by plugins.
- Allow receipt to be shown in iframe if the checkout page is shown within an iframe and hides the back to store link.
- Adds the ability for merchants to manually transition a payout from the
state toAwaitingPayment
. - Store: Allow resetting custom email server.
- UI: Fix store's custom CSS URL.
- Fix: Sidemenu unscrollable on Firefox for Android.
- Fix: Migration bug from V1 to V2 which can happen on very old instances.
- Fix: Migration bug from V1 to V2 for users which used the old ETH integration.
- Fix: The route
GET v1/stores/{storeId}/payment-methods/{paymentMethod}
was returning a wrongenabled
property ifonlyEnabled
query parameter was passed. - Fix: The route
PUT v1/stores/{storeId}/payment-methods/{paymentMethod}
for on-chain payment method was not supporting the documented config payload. - Dashboard: Fix Lightning balance display for tiny amounts.
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