Breez SDK - Nodeless v0.6.2: Real-time Sync, Pay to BIP-353 Addresses & More
Breez SDK - Nodeless (Liquid implementation) is a nodeless Lightning integration that provides a self-custodial, end-to-end solution for incorporating Lightning payments. It utilizes the Liquid Network for on-chain interoperability and supports third-party fiat on-ramps.

- The Breez SDK provides developers with an end-to-end solution for integrating self-custodial Lightning payments into their apps and services. Developers can work with Breez SDK Greenlight and Liquid implementations. The SDKs are free for developers.
- V0.6.2 of Breez SKD - Liquid brings real-time synchronization of payment metadata and swap information for a better multi-device experience, the ability to pay to BIP-353 addresses, and the capability to receive BTC without specifying an amount.
- It also enables external input parser integration, including out-of-the-box support for Pick n' Pay QR codes, and adds payment expiration information for pending payments.
What's new
- Real-time synchronization service of payments metadata and swaps information for a better multi-device, multi-app, and app restore UX.
- Pay to BIP353 addresses.
- Receive to a BTC address without specifying an amount.
- Allow external input parser integration including out of the box support for Pick n' Pay QR codes.
- Added payment expiration information for pending payments.
Full changelog is available here.
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