Bitcoin Tribe v2.1.7: Backups with Bitcoin Keeper

Bitcoin Tribe (formerly Hexa Wallet) is a simple bitcoin wallet made to be used with Friends and Family. Available on iOS and Android.

Bitcoin Tribe v2.1.7: Backups with Bitcoin Keeper

What's new

  • "Now create or backup your wallet with Bitcoin Keeper."
  • "Creating a wallet in Tribe using Keeper ensures that your wallet is already backed up and safe. Within Keeper you will see it as an imported wallet and would be able to use it as any other Bitcoin wallet."
  • "If you are a Bitcoiner, use this feature to onboard new coiners. Help them setup and use a Bitcoin wallet while their wallet is safely backed up with you."
  • "In case you already had Tribe, backing it up with Keeper ensures that you have another instance of the same wallet elsewhere. Do make sure that you have noted down and safely stored your seed words."
  • "Bug fixes and performance improvements."

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