Bitcoin Optech #272: Specification for OP_TXHASH

This week’s newsletter links to a specification for a proposed OP_TXHASH opcode and includes regular sections summarizing a Bitcoin Core PR Review Club meeting, linking to new releases and release candidates, and descriptions of notable changes to popular Bitcoin infrastructure projects.

Bitcoin Optech #272: Specification for OP_TXHASH

Bitcoin Optech newsletter #272 is here. This issue:

  • links to a specification for a proposed OP_TXHASH opcode;
  • recaps the "Type-safe transaction identifiers" PR Review Meeting;
  • Bitcoin Core #27596 and the assumeutxo project;
  • Bitcoin Core #28331 and the BIP324 version 2 encrypted P2P transport 
  • "Bitcoin Optech will host an audio recap discussion of this newsletter with 
    special guests Steven Roose, Gloria Zhao, and James O'Beirne on Twitter 
    Spaces Thursday at 15:00 UTC
    . Join us to discuss or ask questions!"

Full Newsletter