Bitcoin Is Now 5th Largest Base Money in the World

It seems highly likely that Bitcoin will close February higher than sterling GBP, the oldest fiat currency in the world.

Bitcoin Is Now 5th Largest Base Money in the World
  • "Monetary base UPDATE. The pound sterling balance at the Bank of England was £889 billion on 31-Jan-2023 (~$1.12 trillion). Right now Bitcoin’s cap is $1.16 trillion," said Matthew Mezinskis of Porkopolis Economics on X.
  • "Let’s wait for the monthly close, but we are about to surpass the oldest fiat currency in the world. Remarkable," he added.
  • Bitcoin is the 6th largest base money in the world if counting gold.
Source: Porkopolis Economics.
  • "Regarding the basic money supply definition itself, this typically means a central bank’s cash banknotes and coin that are minted and outstanding, plus the commercial bank reserves at the central bank," explains Porkopolis Economics on its site.
  • More on methodology and definitions used for calculating base money can be found here.

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