BitBanana v0.8.1: Core Lightning, LndHub Support
BitBanana is a native Android app for Lightning node operators focused on user experience and ease of use.

- BitBanana v0.8.0 has been released with support for Core Lightning, LndHub, self-hosted fee estimation and exchange rate via Mempool, and many UX improvements.
- Version 0.8.1 resolves a bug where Core Lightning's network property was mistakenly set to unknown, rather than mainnet.
What's new
- Core Lightning support.
- LndHub support (connect to Alby, LNbits, ...).
- Support for self-hosted exchange rate provider.
- Added as exchange rate provider (clearnet & tor).
- Support for self-hosted Fee Estimation.
- Added and blockstream as Fee Estimation providers (clearnet & tor).
- Scan QR codes from images.
- Set exact on-chain fees in sat/vB.
- Send and request sub satoshi amounts.
- Many UX improvements:
- Easy format conversion for certificates and macaroons;
- Allow sending lightning payments before fee is estimated;
- Avatar style choosing;
- Handle connect URIs before wallet is activated;
- Open newly added wallets immediately;
- More wallet loading details;
- Display network info for non mainnet nodes;
- Show avatars on node management list.
- Translation updates (full Spanish translation!).
- Bug fixes.