BitBanana v0.7.5: VPN Automation
BitBanana is a native Android app for Lightning node operators focused on user experience and ease of use. The app is designed with an educational approach, providing the user with guidance on every aspect of node operation.

- "BitBanana just took its UX to the next level! With its new update, using a VPN has never been easier – BitBanana automates it for you!"
"Just go to your connection settings and choose the VPN you use, and that's it. From now on, the VPN automatically starts and stops whenever you use your node."
What's new
- Fixed a licensing issue that affected F-Droid releases
- VPN Automation (Tailscale, Wireguard)
- Redesigned screens for node management
- Option to manually add nodes
- Option to duplicate nodes
- Request to save unsaved changes before exiting node settings
- Huge performance improvement on restoring backups
- Show details on loading screen while BitBanana is connecting to the node
- For new users default setting for tor is now "off"
- Provide the user with a notification when the system falls back to on-chain payment
- Fixed crash on keysend
- Fixed crash when saving a node connection without certificate
- Other small UX improvements
- Translation updates
- Fixed a bug that could cause a fee calculation endless spinner
For a full list of changes in the new version, please see here.