Balance of Satoshis v16.0.1: Change Default Address Type to P2TR

Balance of Satoshis is a tool for working with the balance of your satoshis on LND.

Balance of Satoshis v16.0.1: Change Default Address Type to P2TR

Changes since v15.0.0

  • 16.0.1: chain-deposit: Change default address type to p2tr
    - Breaking changes: Remove support for LND 0.14.5 and below
  • 15.11.0: rebalance: Add INBOUND_BASE_FEE to --in-filter and --out-filter
  • 15.10.0: invoice: Add QR option to show a scannable QR code of the request
  • 15.9.1: chain-deposit: Add --fresh option to generate a brand new chain address
  • 15.8.15: call: Improve error message to show a suggested public key
  • 15.8.10: fund: Adjust to fix MAX fund errors
  • 15.8.9: Add support for LND 0.16.3
  • 15.8.8: telegram: Fix sending a notification when a transaction confirms
  • 15.8.7: fund: Fix error message when specifying UTXOs that do not exist
  • 15.8.6: change-channel-capacity, gateway, services, use: Hide commands
  • 15.8.5: fund: Fix specifying MAX when selecting unconfirmed UTXOs for funding
  • 15.8.3: gift: Fix gift to work with LND 0.16.3
  • 15.8.2: fund: Remove the ability to broadcast a signed tx when in dryrun mode
  • 15.8.1: telegram: Correct re-received chain txs limiter to use accurate hashing
  • 15.8.0: call: Add --json option to write the raw JSON to the console
  • 15.7.2: telegram: Ignore re-received chain txs where only the locktime is changed
  • 15.7.1: reconnect: Fix reconnection when there is a disconnected closing out peer
  • 15.7.0: broadcast: Wait for transaction validity on timelocked transactions
  • 15.6.1: advertise: Add --tag to advertise to a specific list or lists of nodes
  • 15.5.0: invoice: Add --reject-on-amount-increase to reject on price moves
  • 15.4.3: accounting: Improve invoices report generation time on LND 0.16.0+
  • 15.4.2: invoice: When using --virtual flag with a long timeout, fix early termination
  • 15.4.0: inbound-channel-rules: Add JOINT_PUBLIC_CAPACITY for rules based on existing joint capacity
  • 15.3.0: inbound-channel-rules: Add support for --stop to stop forwards on channel
  • 15.2.4: balance: Add anchor type channel anchor output value to balance total
  • 15.2.3: Add LND 0.16.2 as supported version
  • 15.2.2: create-channel-group, open-group-channel: Pre-check peer open acceptance
  • 15.2.1:create-channel-group, open-group-channel: Rebroadcast open transaction
  • 15.2.0: reconnect: Force reconnection on pending close peers to prevent stuck close
  • 15.1.1:fund: Allow using unconfirmed UTXOs when --utxo is directly specified
  • 15.1.0:inbound-channel-rules: Add OBSOLETE to make rules for obsolete chan types
  • 15.0.1: call: acceptsChannelOpen: Fix give_tokens to use an amount, not a bool
    - inbound-channel-rules: Allow rules that target channels not in the graph

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