Amber v0.5.0: History Screen, Support for Multiple Accounts & More
"Amber is a nostr event signer for Android. It allows users to keep their nsec segregated in a single, dedicated app. The goal of Amber is to have your smartphone act as a NIP-46 signing device without any need for servers or additional hardware."

What's new
v0.5.0 updates
- Created history screen
- Show the relay url when it's an auth event
- Show app version in the settings screen
- Fix bottom sheet overlapping nav buttons
- Change content provider name in debug
v0.4.0 updates
- Change the current account by pressing the Top AppBar
- Add Show/Hide details button on all signer types
- Updated readme with an example on how to send the intent from a web client
v0.3.0 updates
- v0.3.1: Added an option to name your accounts
- v0.3.0 Support for multiple accounts
v0.2.0 updates
- Upgrade to material 3 dependencies
- Created settings and permissions screen
- Added arm64-v8a and armeabi-v7a builds
v0.1.0 updates
- v0.1.4: Code cleanup, Fix crash with zaps with no "e" tag
- v0.1.0: When you have remember my choice checked you can use content resolver to sign events in background
- v0.1.0: Created a button to reset all permissions