ZEUS v0.9.5: Easier Exporting of On-Chain Seed, Optimizations & More
ZEUS is a mobile Bitcoin and Lightning wallet, and remote node manager for LND and Core Lightning (CLN). Available on Android and iOS.

- "GM. ZEUS v0.9.5 is now available," announced the project.
- ZEUS v0.9.5 features the ability to easily export ZEUS's on-chain seed to external wallets such as Sparrow, activity list optimizations, smart automatic enabling of routing hints, and other minor improvements that pave the way for ZEUS next major release.
"ZEUS v0.10.0 will be made available soon for alpha testers who want to help us test our new channel renewal service and functionality. Keep your eyes peeled - it should be dropping sooner than you expect!"
- The project also mentioned that ZEUS LSP had a record month in January in both bitcoin and fiat terms.
What's new
- Easily export ZEUS's on-chain seed. "We previously provided users guidance on how to export their ZEUS wallet on-chain seed to other wallets, but now we've made the process even easier."
- Added ability to use all funds for channel open in CLNRest.
- Activity list optimizations should improve the loading performance.
- Wallets list: better highlighting of active mode. The Wallets list view now has better highlighting of the currently active wallet.
- Automatically include routing hints if node has only unannounced channels. "ZEUS will now automatically enable routing hints so that you can ensure that you can always smoothly receive your payments without fiddling with settings."
- Lurker mode improvements.
- Improved display of memos and keysend messages.
- Allow return key for password login.
- Enhance on-chain receive workflow and address type selection.
- Migration to new storage system.
- Layout improvements.
- Bug fixes.
Full Changelog: v0.9.4...v0.9.5.
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