OpenSats Receives Additional $21M Funding from #startsmall Initiative
The funding will aid OpenSats in its mission of supporting open-source development focused on Bitcoin, Nostr and related freedom tech.

- "We are thrilled to announce that OpenSats has received an additional donation of $21M from #startsmall, Jack Dorsey's philanthropic initiative," announced OpenSats.
"This donation will top up our funds and operations budget, with $15,000,000 going to our General Fund, $5,000,000 to The Nostr Fund, and $1M to our operations budget."
- "We are incredibly grateful for the massive support we have received in the last 18 months, and we hope that other philanthropists will join in so that OpenSats may remain an effective public charity for many years to come," added the organization.
- If you want to support Bitcoin and the broader freedom tech movement in general, be sure to donate to one of OpenSats' funds.
- If you are an open-source developer in need of funding, apply here.
- Learn more about all the initiatives supported by #startsmall here.